July 15, 2021

How to Protect Chisels | Straightforward Methods and Tips

Chisel protection

What is the best way to protect your chisels? A chisel is a tool, and like any other tool, it has its limitations and requirements. In this article, we will explore the different uses of a chisel. We will also inform you about the materials these chisels are made of.

Wash your chisel in a solution of soap and water

Mix warm water with dish soap as you prepare to wash the chisel. Clean the chisel using a lint-free rag. The solution gets rid of loose dirt from the chisel. Soak it in the solution overnight if there is too much dirt and grease on the chisel.ย 

Never use hot water to clean the chisel. Ensure you dry it completely when you take it out of the water. The temperature does not have to exceed 120 Degrees F. Warm water allows the soap to work to dissolve in the water as it makes the solution. It also melts dirty particles that are on the surface.ย 

Fill the washing container up to 30% with warm water and add the soap slowly. Hot water damages the chemicals in the soap. Cold water does not harm the chisel, but it requires more effort. That means you need to apply manual cleaning skills.ย 

The washing dish has to be on 70% when you add the soap. Allow the solution to cool before use, and apply the soap solution to the surface. Run a test pattern before you apply the soap solution to the whole surface.ย 

Apply the soap solution from the bottom going up. As you rinse, you take it from the top. Rinse the chisel before the solution dries on the tool. That shows you the concentration compatibility between the solution and the surface.ย 

Oil your chisel with linseed oil

Soak the handle of your chisel in a can of boiled linseed oil over the night. When it is ready to be out, use a scraper to scrape the oil. The handle becomes a glue-repellent, and the oil protects the handle from damage from natural elements.ย 

Linseed oil takes more time to cure in cold weather. Linseed oil penetrates deep inside the chisel and does not leave space for insects and water. When you oil your chisel with linseed oil, the wood fibers of the handle draw the grease inside, closing the pores.ย 

The application process is that simple. Wipe more coats of the oil on the handles and let it dry till it is no longer sticky. Thick coats take time to dry and leave more room for ruining the surface. Sand off the rust from the chisel, polish the chisel with steel wool, then wipe the coats of the oil.ย 

Coating the chisel with linseed oil shuns away rust.ย 

Linseed oil acts as paint to the metal that comes with the chisel. The metal surface is exposed to rust and other natural elements. Rust comes with water and oxygen, which needs prevention since scraping accommodates the building up of rust.ย 

The oily shield is applied using a cloth treated with linseed oil. Boiled linseed oil dries faster as you apply it to the chisel. The oil forms a hard surface, natural oil that does not harm your chisel. The product is an extract from flaxseed oil.ย 

It is sold raw and added to oil-based paints. Boiled linseed oil is rubbed on the chisel using your hands. It gives a finish to the chisel as it gives a durable and weatherproof seal. Linseed oil penetrates deep inside wood grain to protect your chisel from rust.ย 

It strengthens your wood so that it withstands rust exposure. Even when your chisel is already affected by rust, the oil heals the chisel. Apply coats of your choice. The first coat has to be thin.

Buy a chisel wallet

A chisel wallet has multiple materials, and you choose the one that matches. It ranges from leather to lint-free cloth. There are chisel wallets that suit all age groups. The wallet has to be protected from moisture since moisture prevents rust.ย 

The wallet has to be enclosed at the bottom and comes with an overlapping cover that protects the chisel. You are also allowed to use the wallet while working on your project.ย 

Find a space to hang your wallet, so it becomes convenient. Flip the cover to the other side, and you are good to go. You can keep your chisel inside the wallet with the oil on and other rust-repellent substances.

Buy a chisel tube

A chisel tube is solid and thermally efficient. It is hand-carved to match the size and style of the chisel. It is safe for use and keeping the chisel. You are allowed to use it while working on your project.ย 

It takes away the risk of fatigue when you work for long hours. It comes with a tip that accommodates the top part of the chisel. The tube shuns away rust, and no amount of rust is allowed to penetrate through the tube.ย 

It is user-friendly since you can hang it close to your workpiece. The tube accommodates one piece of the chisel, and there are fewer chances of two or more chisels rubbing against each other.ย 

Buy a chisel sheath

A chisel sheath is a close-fitting cover for the metal part of the chisel. It protects the chisel from natural elements, dust, and rust. You are allowed to improvise and make a cover from the material of your choice.ย 

The cover is a simple cloth made with leather fabric that does not absorb water. Add a rust-repellent substance that protects the chisel. It is easy to clean since you need water, soap and a piece of cloth. The sheath is convenient and comfortable to use as you can snug it inside your pockets.ย 

Rubber coating

Rubber coating gives you a protective, thick and comfortable layer. The rubber chisel does not break since it is made of durable leather. The rubber coating is also known as an edge guard.ย 

The rubber coating replaces the masking tape, a quick way of protecting your chisel. The rubber coating comes in liquid form and transforms into rubber. You buy it from local hardware and test it on a piece before you cover the chisel.ย 

Rubber is resistant to mechanical wear and tear and is not affected by harsh weather conditions. It is more protective than a natural coating. The rubber is flexible, and you need to consider temperature, friction, and the material of your chisel.


Waxing gives your wood a slick and safe surface that protects the chisel from rust and weather. The life of your chisel is prolonged, and it is a paste that saves regular maintenance from the user.ย 

Choose the type of wax you choose and know how to apply it. If you have no idea, check the instructions in the manual. The wax protects the chisel from moisture, rust, and corrosion. Clear debris and dirt from the chisel, wipe off dust, lightly sand the chisel, and wipe off the remaining particles, and you are good to start waxing.

David D. Hughes

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